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good songs for running

It running with music is not for everyone ,good songs for running some drivers can not leave without his headphones on, while others hate doing . Everyone is different , and the answer is not all black or white , the answer depends entirely on the person asking the question .

So here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of performing music good songs for running.

Running with the benefits of music :

- Music can be very motivating and inspiring effect of their actions , often distracts the mind of negative thoughts and helps you stay focused on the task at hand instead of dwelling on the past or the future good songs for running. - Music eliminates boredom and keep your workout exciting and compelling , so enhance its commitment and maintain consistent performance .

- Catchy music stimulates the adrenal glands, stimulates muscles and cardiovascular functions , leading to improved performance of the training good songs for running.

Running with music drawbacks :

- Music can block the noise in your environment, such as a car or a train coming , obviously , this can be very dangerous to your health and usually leads to injury or worse, death . Riders must be alert to their surroundings ,good songs for running otherwise they will end up getting hurt and drag others in their misfortune.

- The rhythm of the music can affect your running cadence . As you know, all the songs have the same rhythm and time, unless you hear the same track your running speed also synchronize and unconsciously adapt this gap,good songs for running resulting in high and low speed.

This discussion can not be easily deciphered . In general , I prefer to use music in my long , but I always put my safety first by adjusting the volume knob accordingly or even remove the helmet in case of doubt good songs for running.

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